Kalau kamu main ke kota Kembang alias kota Bandung jangan lupa untuk jalan-jalan keliling Bandung ya. Karena ibukota provinsi Jawa Barat ini memiliki banyak sekali tempat yang bisa kamu kunjungi mulai dari bangunan bersejarah di Jalan Asia Afrika, taman-taman kota yang bertebaran, kebun binatang, gunung, hingga curug yang indah.
Bicara soal curug pastikan kamu mengunjungi 7 curug atau air terjun indah ini jika sedang berada di Bandung. Apalagi kalau kamu adalah anak curug yang memang tau bagaimana caranya menikmati keindahan dan pesonanya. Atau kamu yang mau liburan dan Explor keindahan alam Bandung juga bisa loh berkunjung ke 7 air terjun indah yang ada di Bandung ini yang pasti gak bakalan kecewa deh.
Langsung saja yuk kita lihat daftarnya 7 air terjun cantik yang mampu memanjakan mata yang ada di Bandung.
1. Tilu Leuwi Opat waterfall
This waterfall has a very unique name, if it is translated into Indonesian, it is Tiga Sungai Empat Waterfall. Maybe the first time he found this waterfall or waterfall he told his friend that he found three waterfalls and then there were four rivers, eh.
Curug Tilu Leuwi Opat Bandung - foto instagaram ramdhaniyudha_ |
Anyway, the story above is just my thoughts, so don't ever take it as such and it's not the original story. But in the Curug Tilu Leuwi Opat area, there are indeed 4 waterfalls that make the flow into 4 rivers which makes the panorama even more beautiful.
Plus, the scenery around this waterfall is very beautiful, so it's no wonder that many travelers and photographers come to this Tilu Leuwi Opat waterfall. This waterfall is located in the Lembang area, Bandung which is a highland area, and for sure the air is fresh, cool and nature is still beautiful.
What is certain is that you will feel at home in this waterfall for a long time. In addition, in this waterfall area, there are also 2 caves that you can explore by searching the cave. Surely this experience will be one of the unforgettable experiences when visiting this Tilu Leuwi Opat waterfall.
2. Cimahi waterfall
The beauty of this Cimahi waterfall is indeed so enchanting because this 87-meter high waterfall will combine with the green plants around it and the sturdy cliffs that make the panorama so enchanting.
Pesona Curug Cimahi - foto instagram reickyreq |
This waterfall, which is located in the village of Kertawangi, Cisarua, West Bandung, is indeed hidden between cliffs and trees. However, it turns out that the path and access to this waterfall are not so difficult, but it presents a charm that is so stunning and makes anyone who comes will be amazed.
In addition to its beautiful charm, it turns out that the facilities at Curug Cimahi are also very complete, starting from the prayer room, bathrooms, rest areas, to food and beverage stalls ready to pamper you if you visit here.
You can also swim in this Cimahi waterfall, or if you don't bring a change of clothes you can take pictures or capture the beauty of this Cimahi waterfall with your camera. Especially if you invite him, just make him the model with the Cimahi waterfall as the background, he will surely love you even more, eh.
3. Malela waterfall
This waterfall is a must-visit, especially for those of you who haven't had time to go to see the beautiful and famous Niagara Falls. Because Curug Malela is dubbed as Mini Niagara Falls.
Curug Malela Bandung - foto instagaram rahman.amiin |
This waterfall is a must-visit, especially for those of you who haven't had time to go to see the beautiful and famous Niagara Falls. Because Curug Malela is dubbed as Mini Niagara Falls. Malela waterfall is located in Dsa Cicadas and is located at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level which can be reached for 3 hours from the center of Bandung. Although it is relatively close to the city center, it turns out that to reach Niagara Mini waterfall, we have to do quite a long trekking to get there.
But don't worry because the fatigue along the way will pay off when you can see the beautiful Malela waterfall directly. In addition, the air and the beautiful scenery add to the beauty of the waterfall which has a height of about 60 meters with a width that reaches 70 meters which is certainly like Niagara Falls.
4. Maribaya Waterfall
This waterfall is also one of the most popular waterfalls in Bandung, with a distance of about 21 kilometers from the city center. But to get to Curug Maribaya, which is so beautiful, beautiful, and still awake, you must have strong stamina. Because every visitor must walk or trekking to be able to enjoy the beauty of this one waterfall.
Curug Maribaya Bandung - foto instagram warmanwardhani |
Maribaya waterfall which has a height of 5 meters is very unique. Where Curug Maribaya turns out to be divided into 3 more waterfalls, namely Curug Cikoleang, Curug Cikawari and Curug Cigulung. What is certain is that the three of them merged into a beautiful and beautiful Maribaya Waterfall.
5. Batu Tempek Waterfalls
This Batu Tempek waterfall or waterfall does offer exotic and beautiful views. You will feel at home for a long time in the waterfall which is in the middle of the stone mining area in Cisanggarung Village, Cikidung Village, Cimenyan, Bandung.
Curug Batu Tempek Bandung - foto instagram alphonsusrodriguez |
The beauty of the Batu Tempek waterfall itself is located on its yellowish rock cliffs coupled with stunning views where water flows under the rocks. It's going to be great for your photo background so that it gets more hits on social media.
It turns out that you don't need to spend a lot of money to enjoy the exotic beauty of this Batu Tempek waterfall. Enough with 5 thousand rupiahs, you can enter this area and enjoy the true beauty. Moreover, if you invite him, he will feel more at home and he doesn't want to go home, he wants to take pictures with him, eh.
6. Penganten Waterfalls
This bridal waterfall is located in Padaasih Village, Cisarua, Bandung which is still lush and beautiful and of course, has fresh air. Not only does it offer a stunning beauty to the eyes of every visitor, it turns out that you will also be invited on an adventure to get to this Bridal Waterfall.
Curug Penganten Bandung - foto instagram tomisul |
Where you will be invited to trekking through the residents' plantations to enter the tropical rain forest which is still lush. But don't worry, the trekking is not so extreme, so it's safe to bring your family for a vacation here.
Oh yes, it turns out that the name Curug Bride has a history, but it's not rich in stories that there used to be a bride and groom who were not approved by their parents. Then they eloped and committed suicide in this waterfall. That's not the story, but the truth is that the name Curug Penganten was taken because the waterfalls here are in pairs, aka two double bins. Just a pair of waterfalls when you're not alone, eh.
7. Dago Waterfalls
This waterfall is not located on Jalan Dago, Bandung (the name is Curug Dago) but is located in Bukit Dago, which is in the Tahura area of Ir. H. Juanda. The location is indeed a bit hidden so it requires a strong determination and struggles to reach Curug Dago.
Curug Dago Bandung - foto instagram nanafahreziaa |
This waterfall itself is one of the historical places in Bandung. This is because Curug Dago was visited by the King of Thailand with the discovery of an inscription from the Thai kingdom around 1818 ago. The inscription contains the initials of King Chulalongkom II or Rama V and the year Rattanakosin, era 120 (Bangkok).
It is indeed told that the Thai King visited Curug Dago around 1896 and his second visit was in 1901 where he also wrote on the stone inscription on this second visit.
Not only that, it turns out that the next King of Thailand, King Rama VII, also visited Curug Dago in 1929 ago. This was revealed by the discovery of an inscription bearing the engraving of the name of King Prajadipok or King Rama VII.
Of course, Curug Dago is indeed a historical place and also one of the cool and exotic places. Many visitors to this waterfall come to meditate in the Dago waterfall area because this area is so quiet and comfortable.
And to enter Curug Dago, the fee is free and you only pay for vehicle parking. So you don't need to be afraid to visit one of the waterfalls which is a historical place in Bandung. Anyway, the children of the waterfall are obliged to come here so that they know the history too.
Those are 7 Curugs or waterfalls that have exotic and beautiful and beautiful views that can be your holiday destination when in Bandung. So which waterfall do you want to play?