There are so many mountain climbers who feel tired and breathless on Mondays and Thursdays when they start climbing a mountain. Even though before climbing, he was diligent in jogging and also physical exercise, but still when he started climbing he was easily tired and also breathless.
It turns out that this is a problem from external to our bodies because we are in different conditions, places, and heights from our daily lives. Therefore the body will feel tired quickly and even get sick when starting the climb.
Therefore we must first make adjustments to the body or acclimatization to temperature, air pressure, wind, sunlight, breathing, and other things in order to minimize injury or pain when starting to climb.
And here are some tips on how to make body adjustments or acclimatization when going up the mountain so as not to get injured during the climb.
1. Stay at Basecamp Before Starting the Climb
Now, this is the easiest and best, and most effective way to adjust your body or acclimatize to the climbing terrain. Staying at the climbing basecamp or somewhere close to the climbing basecamp is highly recommended.
Basecamp pendakian - foto instagram harie.catur |
This method is indeed the most effective way to make the body able to adjust or acclimatize to the conditions and air conditions around the mountain. Many climbers, especially seniors, do this to keep the body healthier and not tired while replenishing the energy lost during the trip to basecamp.
Of course, the trip to the climbing basecamp will indeed make the body tired, especially if you come from far away. Well, sleeping and resting at basecamp certainly make the body acclimatize well and makes the body more comfortable and fresh when going to start climbing.
2. Breakfast/Eat Before Hike
Remember never to start climbing on an empty stomach or hungry. Because this is very dangerous and increases the risk of developing hypothermia which is very deadly for mountain climbers.
Sarapan sebelum mendaki - foto instagram way_03 |
Because when the body is empty or hungry, it will not be able to increase the temperature in the body because no metabolism occurs. So it is very prone to hypothermia because the temperature in our bodies begins to drop.
In addition, an empty stomach will also make us tired quickly because there is no energy that the body can use that comes from food. Therefore it is very important to have breakfast or fill the stomach before climbing the mountain. And just let your heart be empty when you start climbing if your stomach doesn't because who knows on the mountain you can find the one who makes your heart not empty anymore, eh.
3. Warm up Before Starting to Climb
Mountain climbing is indeed a strenuous activity because it involves a lot of energy and has to walk for hours. Therefore, it is better to warm up first before climbing so that the muscles are not stiff.
Pemanasan sebelum mendaki - foto |
Because stiff muscles will easily get cramps especially if the trip is done for hours like climbing a mountain. So by warming up the muscles will be weak and the body becomes faster to acclimatize.
4. Take a Casual Climb
It is better to start a mountain climbing journey in a relaxed manner (not fast or slow) so that the body can easily acclimatize or adjust to the environment. So walk at a leisurely or moderate rhythm so that the body can acclimatize properly.
Pendaki santai - foto instagram arii_allamsyah |
Because if you start climbing at a fast pace, you will get tired quickly and it is not good for your body. And if you walk slowly, it's not recommended because it can make the trip longer and it can be night on the hiking trail.
So, those are some ways so that our bodies quickly make adjustments or acclimatization to the environment when going up a mountain. So don't forget to do it so that your mountain climbing is more memorable and also doesn't hurt during the climb.
Greetings Lestari!