Di dunia ini banyak sekali tempat-tempat indah yang mampu menyihir mata kita. Mulai dari keindahan lanskap dari puncak gunung, pemandangan indah di pantai dengan gelombang ombak yang saling berlarian, air terjun yang menyegarkan berpadu dengan hijaunya dedaunan, dan banyak lagi pemandangan indah yang mampu menyihir mata kita.
Tapi apa jadinya jika justru tempat indah tersebut keindahannya memiliki ilusi optik yang mampu menipu mata kita? Nah kali ini kita akan membahas tentang beberapa tempat cantik dan indah tapi justru menipu mata kita atau memiliki ilusi optik yang kuat.
Berikut ini 6 tempat indah di dunia yang membuat mata kita tertipu dengan ilusi optik yang dihasilkannya.
1. Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
Nah kalau berkunjung ke Salar de Uyuni di Bolivia pasti kamu akan sangat takjub dan terheran-heran. Karena kamu akan memandang pemandangan sekitar dengan refleksi yang nyata seperti sedang berada di cermin loh.
Salar de Uyuni Bolovia - foto Instagram @jonnybyrne |
This is because Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia is a vast salt desert. So that the vast salt area managed to create an optical illusion where the surface of the salt field reflects a perfect reflection of the object above it.
Making Salar de Uyuni which has an area of approximately 4,086 square kilometers can present amazing and incredibly beautiful views. Even the sky and clouds will see their reflection. so you feel in a fairy tale.
Salar de Uyuni is located in the southeastern part of the Andes Mountains and is located at an altitude of about 3,650 meters above sea level. According to historical records, the Salar de Uyuni salt field was the last remnant of an ancient lake called Minchin about 40,000 to 25,000 years ago.
However, the Minchin lake eventually slowly dried up and became two lakes, namely Lake Poopo and Lake Uru Uru which until now can still be found in Bolivia. But the remnants of this ancient Minchin lake dried up and turned into a giant salt field better known as the Salar de Uyuni.
2. Jacob's Well, Texas Hill Country
Only having a depth of up to 762 meters, this Jacob's Well when you look at it feels very deep, as if it reaches the end of hell, beautiful and terrifying. But even though it's scary, Jacob's Well is a favorite place for divers.
Sumur Jacob - foto Instagram @gldmne |
Jacob's Well itself is the longest underwater cave in Texas. This cave is filled with clear and cool water so that it gives an amazingly beautiful sensation when diving here. This well also has 4 rooms to the bottom where in the first room there is a vertical hole about 10 meters deep starting from the water surface.
Then further down will find a second chamber shaped like a funnel that reaches 80 feet or about 24.3 meters. From the second room to the third room there is a limited gap that separates the two. And in the third to fourth room the Jacob's Well gets narrower the deeper it gets.
However, until now most divers have only been able to explore up to the second chamber of the Jacob's Well. Even so, it turns out that Jacob's Well is very scary because it has claimed the lives of 8 divers who tried to explore the depths of the well that seemed to be deep to the end of hell.
3. Horsetail Falls, California
If you visit Horsetail Falls, get ready to be amazed by its beauty that deceives the eye. Instead, it's not a water waterfall that is white like cotton when photographed with long exposure. But you will find a waterfall that is reddish like fire. And indeed Horsetail Falls is dubbed the Falls of Fire.
Air Terjun Horsetail - foto Instagaram @donmetzphotography |
Horsetail Falls is right in Yosemite National Park in California, United States. And this waterfall has its uniqueness that can deceive the eye. This waterfall which has a height of about 620 - 630 meters has a unique phenomenon where the water that falls is colored like fire.
The red color of the Horsetail waterfall which resembles a fire occurs because the waterfall is exposed to sunlight in the afternoon. Later in the afternoon, the color will be more reddish-orange like the color of a blazing fire, of course, it is very beautiful and amazing.
But you can't always enjoy this fire waterfall in the perfect color. Because this phenomenon occurs seasonally. And the best time to visit this Horsetail waterfall is in winter or around February so you can enjoy the magic of the Horsetail Fire Waterfall which is amazing and can deceive the eye.
4. Deadvlei, Namibia
This landscape in the Namib-Naukluff National Park, Namibia is indeed strange and can deceive the eye. Because this Deadvlei landscape or dead swamp will look like an artist's painting. And if you take a photo, you will find it difficult to distinguish whether it is a painting or an original Deadvlei scene.
Deadvlei Namibia - foto Instagram @mp_travelphotography |
Deadvlei is an oasis in the middle of a desert that has dried up due to climate change. So that only leaves the basin and also dead trees which are estimated to be 900 years old.
However, even though Deadvlei has hot and dry conditions, this area is a favorite place for photographers. This is because Deadvlei has an unusual contrast of natural and sky colors. Even if we look like seeing a painting.
Deadvlei is not inhabited by living things because of the hot weather and no water source. But the scenery is very beautiful where this dead swamp is surrounded by dunes up to 1000 meters high.
5. Mauritius
Maybe we are unfamiliar with the name but the fact is Mauritius is a country located in the southwest of the Indian Ocean or east of Madagascar. Mauritius offers amazing natural beauty, especially the sea and its fantastically beautiful beaches.
Mauritius - sumber foto www.beltandroad.news |
And here you will find a phenomenon that deceives the eye or an optical illusion that shocked the world a few years ago. Where in Mauritius there is a beach that juts into and forms a ravine that looks like a waterfall.
When in fact it is just an optical illusion where we see the sand carried by the current into the ocean. But even so, the view was simply stunning and unbelievably beautiful. With this beauty, Mauritius has also become one of the world's artists' destinations for vacations other than the Maldives or Seychelles.
6. The Wave, Arizona
This hill, located in Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness, Arizona, United States, has an optical illusion that can fool our eyes. Because if we look at it, it will look like a rolling wave and some even say the photo is an edit. Though, that's how it is.
The Wave Arizona - foto Instagram @whereisweatherby |
That's why this hill was named The Wave which means The Waves because of the stack of wavy lines. These lines are called filled eolian laminae or a layer of rock formed from wind-blown sand.
The curves make these hills very beautiful and make every corner of the hill an interesting photo spot. Even if you are not a professional photographer and only use your cellphone, you can still get good, professional photos here.
This is because it is so beautiful and beautiful the curves of the lines that accumulate on the hill and form like waves.
So, those are 6 places in the world that are beautiful and also able to deceive our eyes with their optical illusions. So you want to fool your eyes by visiting where this first from the 6 places above?